Как Иран может ответить на израильский удар по консульству в Сирии [How Iran can respond to Israeli attack onthe consulate in Syria]


The Israeli military attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing five IRGC officers and two generals. How will Tehran respond and whether the region is closer to a new big war - RBC looked into it

Tehran will definitely not leave the death of its generals unanswered, experts interviewed by RBC agree. It is difficult to judge exactly what it will look like, since the Iranian authorities deliberately did not reveal all the cards in their official statements, notes Burton.

“Iran may well take advantage of its allies in the region, such as Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis, prompting them to increase the intensity and scale of their attacks on Israel across the Lebanese border and on ships in the Red Sea,” the expert suggested. In his opinion, a direct missile strike on Israeli territory is also not excluded, but is unlikely, since it could lead to an unwanted and uncontrollable escalation.

Tehran could also encourage its supporters in Syria and Iraq to launch new attacks on U.S. military targets in those countries because Iranian leaders view the U.S. and Israel “as interchangeable,” Burton suggested. The US government also fears further escalation in the Middle East, notes The New York Times. Shortly after the airstrike on the Iranian consulate, a drone attacked an American military facility in Syria - no one was injured, but the last such attack was almost two months ago.



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